In 2009 triathlon was my “midlife crisis”, now it has become my lifestyle.
Triathlon had previously been a sport for elite women, not seeing too many overweight,
overworked, non-athletes participating in races. I dove into the water of my first triathlon and found my Inner Athlete. Never athletic as a kid, most of the time carrying a few extra pounds, I found a way to incorporate movement that was both fun and challenging at the same time. Shortly after crossing my first finish line, I became a USA Triathlon Coach and have helped dozens of people; women, kids and a few men find a new passion for fitness through this sport. Picking a race, following a plan, accomplishing a goal, feeling the sense of pride of completing the task at hand for yourself and nobody else.
Over the years, I had been in over a hundred triathlons, of all distances. My biggest challenge came in 2021 when I completed my first Ironman, a 2.4 mile swim, 116 miles on the bike and a full 26.2 marathon at the end. I lived up to the Ironman motto, “Anything is Possible” that day for sure.
What I have learned over the years is that triathlon is just as much a mental challenge as it is a physical one, maybe more so.
The mind tries to control the body, the body is resilient, and it fights back.
Triathlon is about social connection and personal development spun into a sport, that you can be involved in for life. This weekend at a race I was at, there were three people over the age of eighty competing.
For women, the sport takes the focus off the scale and the diet roller coaster and puts the focus on what your body is capable of.
Everyone can be a triathlete if you put your mind to it.
Triathletes come in all shapes, ages and sizes, don’t kid yourself, you can do it.
The training doesn’t have to take over your life, I am not coaching anyone for the Olympics anytime soon. ( or at least I don't think so)
But I will tell you this, life is a marathon, not a sprint. Life itself is an endurance sport.
I am in it for the long haul. I am not the fastest. I am not the strongest.
But I will not quit, and my body will keep moving forward, sometimes slower than I want, but progress is progress at any pace.
I have grandkids I am trying to keep up with, this helps me do that for sure!
Maybe it’s your time to TRI.
Deb Peters Coaching is currently forming training groups for upcoming 2023 fall triathlons in the Sarasota/Tampa Bay Florida area.
Online coaching for races out of state is also available.
